
The information on this website and other means of communication by Shalom Succedo Coin are only issued to inform you as a reader. This document shall never constitute an offer to participate in equity, shares, coins, and digital assets. An investment in any company related to Shalom Succedo Coin expressly rejects all liability for direct, indirect, or consequential losses of any nature - in particular, when certain losses of participation are the result of the information on this website, or any other means of communication from Shalom Succedo Coin. This website, any presentation made in connection with Shalom Succedo Coin, and any accompanying materials are preliminary and subject to corrections and amendments, and are only made available for introductory discussions, and are not intended to constitute any sort of recommendation, invitation, or solicitation regarding any investment or contribution in equity, shares, coins, or digital assets.

Shalom Succedo Coin may be considered a security coin in some jurisdictions. Anyone who holds and buys our Shalom Succedo Coin warrants that he/she is not a resident or subject to regulations regarding secured transactions in any country that restricts the purchase. The Purchase of Shalom Succedo Coin from a location that forbids buying or holding a security coin may result in annulment of the transaction and the buyer may be banned permanently from the account, eventually losing Shalom Succedo Coin, particularly in the event when false information or documents are provided, or other fraudulent conduct. The buyer acknowledges and agrees that if his/her country of residence or other circumstances shall change, and that may affect the legal status of holding or trading to an extent that the above-mentioned representations are no longer accurate, the buyer will immediately stop using Shalom Succedo Coin.

The information on this website and other means of communication by Shalom Succedo Coin are only issued to inform you as a reader. This document shall never constitute an offer to participate in equity, shares, coins, and digital assets. An investment in any company related to Shalom Succedo Coin expressly rejects all liability for direct, indirect, or consequential losses of any nature - in particular, when certain losses of participation are the result of the information on this website, or any other means of communication from Shalom Succedo Coin. This website, any presentation made in connection with Shalom Succedo Coin, and any accompanying materials are preliminary and subject to corrections and amendments, and are only made available for introductory discussions, and are not intended to constitute any sort of recommendation, invitation, or solicitation regarding any investment or contribution in equity, shares, coins, or digital assets.

Shalom Succedo Coin may be considered a security coin in some jurisdictions. Anyone who holds and buys our Shalom Succedo Coin warrants that he/she is not a resident or subject to regulations regarding secured transactions in any country that restricts the purchase. The Purchase of Shalom Succedo Coin from a location that forbids buying or holding a security coin may result in annulment of the transaction and the buyer may be banned permanently from the account, eventually losing Shalom Succedo Coin, particularly in the event when false information or documents are provided, or other fraudulent conduct. The buyer acknowledges and agrees that if his/her country of residence or other circumstances shall change, and that may affect the legal status of holding or trading to an extent that the above-mentioned representations are no longer accurate, the buyer will immediately stop using Shalom Succedo Coin.